Achilles’ heel

Shadow of myself. Behind your other girls.
Trying to make you love me. Drowning in deluded illusions.
You can do no wrong, my own perfection.
The reason for my creation. A known fact or a question ?

Born to bring peace. Made to bring you happiness.
Wishing it was me, not you in pain.
Praying for you to a foreign god. All for you, I kneel.
Dissolving in my own blood. Letting it go just for you.

Opening myself to you as she does the same.
Just talk to me, I don’t need you to love me.
You’re my addiction, my only weakness.
I want your pain, the tears inside it.

I want you to be happy, for your smile to light me up.
Here’s my heart, dash it into a million pieces. My sacrifice to make.
It’s useless anyway, I can love no other.
I’m yours forever, yours truly baby boy.

Dying now, slowly.
With a smile, your smile on my mind,
Dying happy, with joy.
Not us against the world, just you and her.
Your last words in my heart; I’m fine.

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